The Devantier Family Tree
Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany
Matches 1 to 50 of 50
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Bauer, Charlotte Friederike | 1805 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10001 |
2 | Betac, Jacques | 9 Apr 1723 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9632 |
3 | Bettac, Rachel | 22 Mar 1751 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9263 |
4 | Bülow, Friedrich Wilhelm | 15 Oct 1840 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I15800 |
5 | Devantier, Abraham | 15 Mar 1761 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9668 |
6 | Devantier, Abraham | 22 Aug 1807 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9847 |
7 | Devantier, Auguste | 3 May 1813 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9869 |
8 | Devantier, Auguste Louise | 8 Mar 1847 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10004 |
9 | Devantier, Carl August | 28 Dec 1845 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10003 |
10 | Devantier, Caroline Louise Bertha | 14 Jul 1850 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10006 |
11 | Devantier, Charles | 3 Jul 1815 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4461 |
12 | Devantier, Charles Frederic | 12 Feb 1803 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9845 |
13 | Devantier, Charlotte | 23 Aug 1792 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9861 |
14 | Devantier, Charlotte | 29 Sep 1797 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I17340 |
15 | Devantier, Dorothee | 26 Jun 1799 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9864 |
16 | Devantier, Dorothee | 5 Nov 1800 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9865 |
17 | Devantier, Esther | 22 Aug 1743 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I16916 |
18 | Devantier, Frederique | 6 Aug 1810 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9868 |
19 | Devantier, Henriette Emilie | 27 Sep 1843 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10002 |
20 | Devantier, Hermann Ferdinand | 27 Jun 1849 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10005 |
21 | Devantier, Isaac | 26 Sep 1763 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4457 |
22 | Devantier, Jacob | 8 Mar 1747 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9662 |
23 | Devantier, Jacques | 5 Apr 1745 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9661 |
24 | Devantier, Jacques | 8 Mar 1747 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9665 |
25 | Devantier, Jacques | 5 Dec 1804 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9866 |
26 | Devantier, Jean | 23 May 1802 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4460 |
27 | Devantier, Jean | 25 Aug 1807 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9867 |
28 | Devantier, Jean Frederic | 18 Nov 1805 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9846 |
29 | Devantier, Jeanne Frederique Wilhelmine | 1791 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9862 |
30 | Devantier, Jeanne Frederique Wilhelmine | 14 May 1792 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I11287 |
31 | Devantier, Jeanne Henriette | 18 Jun 1790 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I11286 |
32 | Devantier, Judith | 1 Mar 1766 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9669 |
33 | Devantier, Louise | 26 Mar 1796 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9863 |
34 | Devantier, Louise Friederike | 12 May 1849 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9871 |
35 | Devantier, Marie | 25 Aug 1790 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9842 |
36 | Devantier, Marie | 20 Jul 1798 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9844 |
37 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 6 Jun 1749 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9663 |
38 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 21 Dec 1751 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9664 |
39 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 21 Dec 1755 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9666 |
40 | Devantier, Otto Wilhelm | 21 Jul 1851 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4464 |
41 | Devantier, Pierre | 8 Jul 1758 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9667 |
42 | Devantier, Pierre | 3 Aug 1768 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9670 |
43 | Devantier, Sophie Dorothee | 7 Dec 1795 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9843 |
44 | Devantier, Wilhelm August Heinrich | 6 May 1832 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10201 |
45 | Eggert, Bertha Johanna Henriette | 1 Feb 1867 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I6235 |
46 | Gombert, Esther | 6 Aug 1725 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4456 |
47 | Herbst, Louise | ca 1804 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10199 |
48 | Heuer, Marie | 14 Feb 1786 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I8797 |
49 | Rossow, Marie Louise | 1801 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10000 |
50 | Streetz, Henriette | ca 1816 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4462 |
Matches 1 to 26 of 26
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Christening | Person ID | ||
1 | Bülow, Friedrich Wilhelm | 25 Oct 1840 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I15800 |
2 | Devantier, Abraham | 26 Aug 1807 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9847 |
3 | Devantier, Charles Frederic | 21 Feb 1803 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9845 |
4 | Devantier, Charlotte | 5 Oct 1797 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I17340 |
5 | Devantier, Dorothee | 3 Jul 1799 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9864 |
6 | Devantier, Dorothee | 14 Nov 1800 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9865 |
7 | Devantier, Esther | 24 Aug 1743 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I16916 |
8 | Devantier, Frederique | 12 Aug 1810 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9868 |
9 | Devantier, Isaac | 30 Sep 1763 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4457 |
10 | Devantier, Jacob | 12 Mar 1747 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9662 |
11 | Devantier, Jacques | 11 Apr 1745 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9661 |
12 | Devantier, Jacques | 15 Dec 1804 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9866 |
13 | Devantier, Jean | 30 May 1802 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4460 |
14 | Devantier, Jean | 28 Aug 1807 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9867 |
15 | Devantier, Jean Frederic | 1 Dec 1805 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9846 |
16 | Devantier, Jean Pierre | 24 Feb 1814 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9791 |
17 | Devantier, Jeanne Frederique Wilhelmine | 20 May 1792 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I11287 |
18 | Devantier, Judith | 6 Mar 1766 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9669 |
19 | Devantier, Louise | 1 Apr 1796 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9863 |
20 | Devantier, Louise Friederike | 20 May 1849 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9871 |
21 | Devantier, Marie | 1 Sep 1790 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9842 |
22 | Devantier, Marie | 22 Jul 1798 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9844 |
23 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 24 Dec 1755 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9666 |
24 | Devantier, Pierre | 10 Jul 1758 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9667 |
25 | Devantier, Sophie Dorothee | 13 Dec 1795 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9843 |
26 | Eggert, Bertha Johanna Henriette | 24 Feb 1867 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I6235 |
Matches 1 to 38 of 38
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | ||
1 | Bülow, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm | 7 Jan 1845 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9870 |
2 | Devantier, Abraham | 27 Aug 1807 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9847 |
3 | Devantier, Auguste | 10 Aug 1815 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9869 |
4 | Devantier, Carl August | 2 Jun 1846 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10003 |
5 | Devantier, Charles | 5 Aug 1855 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4461 |
6 | Devantier, Charles Frederic | 17 Oct 1803 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9845 |
7 | Devantier, Charlotte | 2 Jun 1801 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I17340 |
8 | Devantier, Dorothee | 15 Jan 1800 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9864 |
9 | Devantier, Dorothee | 22 May 1801 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9865 |
10 | Devantier, Eliasabeth | 2 Jul 1782 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9608 |
11 | Devantier, Esther | 26 Apr 1744 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I16916 |
12 | Devantier, Henriette Emilie | 1845 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10002 |
13 | Devantier, Hermann Ferdinand | 1849 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10005 |
14 | Devantier, Isaac | 19 Mar 1840 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4457 |
15 | Devantier, Jacob | 21 Jun 1802 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4455 |
16 | Devantier, Jacob | 21 Dec 1806 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9662 |
17 | Devantier, Jacques | 17 May 1809 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9665 |
18 | Devantier, Jacques | 24 May 1809 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9866 |
19 | Devantier, Jean | 21 Oct 1808 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9867 |
20 | Devantier, Jean | 23 Oct 1840 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4460 |
21 | Devantier, Jeanne Frederique Wilhelmine | 5 Jul 1796 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9862 |
22 | Devantier, Jeanne Henriette | 28 Mar 1791 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I11286 |
23 | Devantier, Louise | 12 Nov 1857 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9863 |
24 | Devantier, Louise Friederike | 7 Sep 1854 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9871 |
25 | Devantier, Marie | 20 Jun 1796 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9842 |
26 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 1 Apr 1751 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9663 |
27 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | Before 1755 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9664 |
28 | Devantier, Marie Elisabeth | 2 Jan 1761 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9666 |
29 | Devantier, Pierre | 19 Jan 1764 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9667 |
30 | Devantier, Pierre | 10 Jun 1772 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9670 |
31 | Devantier, Sophie Dorothee | 22 May 1801 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9843 |
32 | Gombert, Esther | 3 Apr 1803 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4456 |
33 | Miers, Dorothea | 31 Mar 1796 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4458 |
34 | Pröfrock, Anna Sophie | 22 Jun 1797 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9839 |
35 | Rosen, Euphrosine | 28 Mar 1803 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9840 |
36 | Rossow, Marie Louise | 4 Nov 1830 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I10000 |
37 | Tieck, Friederike Amalie | 18 Jan 1846 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I15802 |
38 | Wolter, Christine Louise | 1857 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4459 |
Matches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Burial | Person ID | ||
1 | Devantier, Louise | 15 Nov 1857 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9863 |
2 | Devantier, Louise Friederike | 8 Sep 1854 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9871 |
3 | Tieck, Friederike Amalie | 23 Jan 1846 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I15802 |
Matches 1 to 5 of 5
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Occupation | Person ID | ||
1 | Devantier, Isaac | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4457 | |
2 | Devantier, Isaac | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4457 | |
3 | Devantier, Jacob | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4455 | |
4 | Devantier, Jacques | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I9665 | |
5 | Devantier, Jean | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | I4460 |
Matches 1 to 14 of 14
Family | Marriage | Family ID | ||
1 | Bönning / Devantier | 2 Jul 1868 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3507 |
2 | Devantier / Bauer | 1833 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3519 |
3 | Devantier / Flasshaar | ca 1804 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3477 |
4 | Devantier / Gombert | 27 Mar 1742 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F1515 |
5 | Devantier / Pröfrock | 22 Nov 1787 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3475 |
6 | Devantier / Rosen | 21 Aug 1797 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3476 |
7 | Devantier / Rossow | 27 Sep 1826 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3518 |
8 | Devantier / Streetz | 14 Nov 1841 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F1518 |
9 | Devantier / Stümke | 14 Nov 1800 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3431 |
10 | Devantier / Wolter | 1798 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F1517 |
11 | Hoernicke / Sy | 29 Sep 1806 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3150 |
12 | Sy / Heuer | 7 Nov 1811 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3151 |
13 | Ziemendorf / Devantier | 17 Apr 1843 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F1990 |
14 | Ziemendorf / Devantier | 30 Nov 1848 | Brüssow, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany | F3529 |